Heart Britain

10 Most Haunted Hotels in the UK

Are you looking for a hotel stay you’ll remember for a lifetime? You just have to stay in one of the following 10 most haunted hotels in the UK, then. 1. Britannia Adelphi Hotel,...

The Marine

8 Most Festive Pubs in the UK

Who doesn’t love heading to the local pub at Christmas time? There are some establishments that really embrace the festive season, offering everything from baubles, ornaments and thousands of Christmas lights. We here at...

Interesting facts about tea

5 Amazing Afternoon Tea Facts

Afternoon tea is the perfect way to enjoy a relaxing afternoon with loved ones, as you’ll have the chance to enjoy delicious nibbles in a stunning location. We are proud to provide afternoon tea...

X Factor

10 Best UK X Factor Auditions of All Time

The UK X Factor is often full of crazy, deluded and average singers – but on a rare occasion audiences have the pleasure to watch a star being born before their very eyes. Some...

Afternoon tea is a historic English tradition that’s rising in popularity. We here at Heart Britain are partial to a jam and cream scone every once in a while – which is why we’ve...